Friday, May 6, 2011

Classroom Management

With middle school, keep it SIMPLE! Here is the long 
version of my classroom management style

Classroom Management

-Statement of Purpose:
Our classroom will bring students and teacher together for the
learning, creating, and appreciation of music. This will happen
in a safe, respectful, and cooperating environment to aid each
student in their quest for knowledge and skill.

1) Come on time and be prepared for class
2) Respect and care for one another.
3) Be responsible for your actions.
4) Respect our classroom and all instruments and equipment

-What to expect (A Love and Logic Classroom):
1) I will treat you with respect so you will know how to treat me
2) Feel free to do anything that doesn’t cause a problem for anyone else.
3) If you cause a problem, I will ask you to solve it
4) If you can’t solve the problem, or chose not to, I will do something
5) What I do will depend on the special person and the special situation
6) If you feel something is unfair, speak to me “I’m not sure that’s fair” and we will talk

-Class Entry:
1) Entry Respectfully 
2) Check board for instructions and agenda
3) Get out instruments
4) Prepare yourself, your instrument, and your music
5) Warm up

-Class Dismissal:
1) Do not pack up until told
2) Carefully put away instruments
3) Clean up your area
4) Wait for dismissal

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