Friday, May 6, 2011


If you’re going to be a teacher, you might as well be great!

      I was born and raised in Platteville WI. Growing up in this close community gave me a strong sense of moral confidence, and my parents instilled in me a strong work ethic. When it came time to go to college, I didn't want to leave my 5th grade brother and 9th grade sister without me in their lives. I chose to go to the University of Wisconsin Platteville and could not be more happy with my choice. 
      While in college I was a member of every music organization I could get my hands on. I also participated in homecoming court, Segregated University Fee Allocation Commission (school budgeting), honors societies, and Sigma Alpha Iota (international, professional women's honors music fraternity). And while in these organizations, I became president of almost all of them. This over-booked time in my life taught me to be organized, and to always put in my all - no matter how many events were on my plate.
      I worked my way through high school and college at the local grocery store. Doing whatever they needed me to do, but always making time to teach private lessons to homeschool students, and teach Platteville Middle School color guard. 
     Placement for my student teaching was at Wisconsin Dells High School and Spring Hill Middle School (Wisconsin Dells). I taught 6-12 band in a team teaching situation, along with lessons, jazz, solo ensemble prep, pep band, marching band, color guard, middle school general music, music theory, and participating in the response to intervention team. Through this placement it really solidified middle school band is where I am meant to be. 
      I have had experience with a long term sub in middle school band at Mukwonago Park View Middle School. I also subbed K-12 all subjects in Madison, Verona and Oregon WI. In this economy, I needed something full time and longer than subbing could offer. I started teaching preschool in April of 2010. 
      I am currently looking for a middle school band position. Please see my teaching philosophy for my views on a middle school classroom.

Thank you :) 

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